Sunday, May 25, 2008. It started out like any ordinary day. I worked in the morning and by afternoon decided that I was finished working for the day and if we had any hopes of eating dinner, I had to go grocery shopping.
I didn't want to go to the grocery store alone, so I took my 18-year-old daughter with me. We were having fun, picking out groceries for meals that she will never eat with us (like most 18-year-olds she isn't home much) and reminiscing about when she was a little girl and used to come shopping at the very same store all the time. At the check stand I was paying for my groceries. I had purchased a bottle of wine (on a recommendation from J) and the checker asked me for my ID. I could have hugged her!!!! I am 38 and haven't been carded in, well I can't remember ever being carded. I was on cloud nine!
Thinking it couldn't be a better day, there was a courtesy clerk bagging my groceries. Now, I was at a store that doesn't usually offer that kind of service and I always bag my own groceries. By the time I was finished paying, the groceries were all bagged up. I was taken by surprise and said "Wow, thanks! I am not used to having my groceries bagged up for me here." At that time my daughter said "Ya, she trained me when I was little to bag the groceries here." That's when it happened....the courtesy clerk looked at me with her eyebrows close together and said "You are her MOM? You two look like sisters! I would have never guessed that you were her Mom!!" I was flabbergasted! There is no way I look 18, but I took that compliment and ran with it like I stole it. It truly made my day...even my daughter making the comment "Oh God, do I look that old?" couldn't ruin my day.
Carded when buying wine....mistaken for my daughter's sister. Could it get any better?