Thursday, April 17, 2008

Loving my Birthday Present!

So it was my birthday a few days ago. You know that time of year when you get presents that you don't really want or the kind of presents that leave you wondering "Exactly what vibes am I sending out to get this kind of present?" Well, this year wasn't one of those years.

My daughter took me to the Rascal Flatts concert, which was AMAZING! My sister took me to a scrapbooking much fun! But the present that has me so so so happy is the patio table and four chairs my parents got me. Right now, it is 10:45 p.m. and I am sitting outside under the stars, at my awesome table, typing my blog!

Weekend mornings are going to be spent out here, with a cup of coffee and a good book! Thank you Daddy and Mom for the wonderful birthday gift!!!

1 comment:

Jay said...

Awesome!!!!!!! So jealous. All I have is a view. :-(