Saturday, April 19, 2008

Gas Prices Skyrocket!!

This sign just cracks me up! Anybody who has filled up their car lately would have to agree. Makes me wish I was in a larger city so I could take public transit!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Loving my Birthday Present!

So it was my birthday a few days ago. You know that time of year when you get presents that you don't really want or the kind of presents that leave you wondering "Exactly what vibes am I sending out to get this kind of present?" Well, this year wasn't one of those years.

My daughter took me to the Rascal Flatts concert, which was AMAZING! My sister took me to a scrapbooking much fun! But the present that has me so so so happy is the patio table and four chairs my parents got me. Right now, it is 10:45 p.m. and I am sitting outside under the stars, at my awesome table, typing my blog!

Weekend mornings are going to be spent out here, with a cup of coffee and a good book! Thank you Daddy and Mom for the wonderful birthday gift!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Here is a picture of my Grandpa at his 93rd birthday party. I forgot my camera (shame on me), but was reminded that I had a cell phone and could capture the moment that way. Not too bad, seeing as I am about 12 feet away from him at the other end of the table!

It truly is difficult to see age just take a person over like it has my Grandpa! His mind is still as sharp as ever, but his body is failing miserably. He used to be this strong man that would carry arm loads of wood in during the wintertime, and now he is this frail, hunched over, little old man that needs help getting out of a chair, who can no longer go out to visit family and friends. This was a rare opportunity to celebrate with him and we took full advantage of it.

I will always be that 5-year-old little girl who sat under his drafting table while he drew up house plans and will fondly remember him in that regard. I love you Grandpa!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I Love Strawberries!

I went to Costco yesterday and what did I find...the first strawberries of the season. I love strawberries. I don't know if it is the sweet, refreshing juice that cools one down on a warm spring day, or the shear happiness that I feel when just looking at a strawberry that draws me so. In my opinion it is the perfect fruit...juicy, refreshing, eye appealing, delicate, versatile, delicious!

I love this time of year...the season doesn't last long, but it is certainly worth the wait.